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Housing and Inclusive Economy Scrutiny Committee - Wednesday, 2nd April, 2025 7.00 pm
April 2, 2025 View on council website
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Whitney Ihenachor
Elizabeth Baptiste
Shumon Ali-Rahman
Kastriot Berberi
Justin Halabi
John Moss
Keith Rayner
David Beach
Martin Buddery
John Coker
Joe Garrod
Meera Kumar
Shahid Mallam
Jahangir Mannan
Jane Martin
James McHugh
Stewart Murray
Fraser Scott
Frankie Simons
Louise Sutherland
Rebecca Davey
Justin Carr
Lindsay Megson
David Padfield
Sarah Parsons
Ian Rae
Laura Butterworth
Mark Crane
Lorna Lee
Hannah Dalgleish
Debbie Porter
- Agenda frontsheet 02nd-Apr-2025 19.00 Housing and Inclusive Economy Scrutiny Committee agenda
- Public reports pack 02nd-Apr-2025 19.00 Housing and Inclusive Economy Scrutiny Committee reports pack
- Minutes 13022025 Housing and Inclusive Economy Scrutiny Committee other
- 1 - Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman Determination - Housing IE Scrutiny 2 April
- 1a - Prevention and Assessment record keeping action plan
- 2 - Inclusive Growth and Economy Framework - Housing IE Scrutiny 2 Apirl
- 2a - Appendix 1 IGEF
- 3 - Housing Repairs and Maintenance Policy - Housing IE Scrutiny 2 April
- 3a - Appendix 1 - Draft Housing Repairs and Maintenance Policy
- 3b - Appendix 2 - Summary of key changes
- 3c - Appendix 3 - Equality Impact Screening Report
- 4 - The Scrutiny Report - Housing IE Scrutiny - 2 April 25
- 4a - Draft Housing IE Scrutiny Committee Summary of Activity for 24-25 other
- 4b - Housing and Inclusive Economy Scrutiny - Draft Forward Plan 24-25 other
- 4c - Housing IE Scrutiny Action Tracker
- 4d - Action Response_Complaints Data
- 4e - Action Response_Decent Homes Data other