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Weekly updates
Kingston Council Tackles Youth Violence and 'Zombie Town' Label
This week, the Kingston upon Thames council held six scheduled meetings, but only one proceeded with substantial discussions. Here are the details:
The Schools Forum scheduled for Tuesday, 25 June 2024, was postponed. No further details were provided.
The Licensing Committee scheduled for Tuesday, 25 June 2024, was cancelled. No further details were provided.
The Audit, Governance and Standards Committee scheduled for Wednesday, 26 June 2024, was postponed. No further details were provided.
The Corporate and Resources Committee scheduled for Thursday, 27 June 2024, was postponed. No further details were provided.
The New and Old Malden Planning Sub-Committee scheduled for Thursday, 27 June 2024, was postponed. No further details were provided.
The Kingston Partnership Board met on Thursday, 27 June 2024, to discuss progress on the Borough's partnership work. This meeting included updates on the Violence Reduction Partnership and the findings of the recent 'Call for Evidence' exercise on the Borough's Community Safety Strategy.
Violence Reduction Partnership
The Violence Reduction Partnership, launched in 2022, has made significant strides, reducing serious youth violence in the Borough by 12%. This partnership includes the Council, the Police, and community groups working collaboratively.
Councillor X, the Council's Lead Member for Communities, highlighted the importance of this collaboration:
I am delighted with the progress that the Violence Reduction Partnership has made. The Partnership is a great example of what we can achieve when we work together. I am confident that we can continue to make Kingston a safer place for everyone.
The partnership is currently developing a new strategy for 2024-2027, focusing on early intervention and prevention, particularly targeting young people at risk of becoming involved in violence.
Community Safety Strategy
The Council recently conducted a 'Call for Evidence' exercise to gather residents' views on community safety. This exercise received over 1,000 responses, which will inform the development of a new Community Safety Strategy set to be published in early 2025.
The Director of Communities commented on the feedback:
The responses to the Call for Evidence show that residents are generally happy with community safety in Kingston.
This new strategy will outline the Council's priorities for community safety over the next five years.
'Zombie Town' Designation
The meeting also addressed the recent designation of Kingston as a 'Zombie Town' by the Centre for Cities. The Centre for Cities is a think tank that researches the economic performance of UK cities and produces an annual report called Cities Outlook.
This year's report categorized Kingston as a 'Zombie Town,' a term indicating economic stagnation.
The Director of Communities responded to this designation:
The Council does not agree with the Centre for Cities' assessment of Kingston. Kingston is a thriving town centre with a strong economy.
The Council is committed to supporting the town centre and is working with local businesses to develop initiatives aimed at attracting more visitors.
The discussions and decisions from the Kingston Partnership Board meeting reflect the Council's ongoing efforts to enhance community safety and economic vitality. The emphasis on collaborative partnerships and resident feedback aligns with previous themes of community engagement and proactive governance.
Council Refuses Extended Hours for New Malden Venue - Key Decision Update
This week, the Kingston upon Thames council held five scheduled meetings, but only one proceeded with substantial discussions. Here are the details:
- The Licensing Sub-Committee met on Tuesday, 18 June 2024, to discuss a variation to the premises licence for 601 PM Limited, located at 38 High Street, New Malden, KT3 4HE. The application sought to extend the licensable area and increase the hours for regulated entertainment and alcohol sales. The committee decided to refuse the application in full.
Application for a Variation of a Premises Licence for 601 PM Limited
The primary focus of the meeting was the application submitted by Mr. Hyun Joon Kim on behalf of 601 PM Limited. The application sought to extend the licensable area to include two new karaoke rooms on the first floor and to increase the hours for regulated entertainment, live music, and the sale of alcohol. The proposed new hours were Monday to Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1:30 a.m. and Sundays from 10 a.m. to 1:30 a.m.
The Licensing Officer, Nicky Bentley, confirmed that the application had been properly advertised and consulted upon, with 261 addresses being notified. Seven valid representations were received, raising concerns related to the prevention of crime and disorder, the prevention of public nuisance, and public safety.
Committee Discussion and Decision
The committee heard from various stakeholders, including the Metropolitan Police and the Council's Environmental Protection Officer. Key points of concern included:
- Public Nuisance and Crime: The police highlighted potential increases in public nuisance and crime due to extended hours, particularly given the premises' location near residential areas and limited late-night transport options.
- Noise and Soundproofing: The Environmental Protection Officer raised concerns about noise leakage from the new karaoke rooms and the adequacy of soundproofing measures. The applicant's assurances about soundproofing were deemed insufficient without technical acoustic information.
- Compliance Issues: The police also noted past compliance issues with the premises, including a recent written warning for failing to adhere to current licensing conditions.
Given these concerns, the committee decided to refuse the application in full. The decision was made to uphold the licensing objectives of preventing public nuisance and crime, and ensuring public safety.
For further details, you can refer to the printed minutes of the meeting.
The Pension Fund Panel met on Thursday, 20 June 2024. However, no video broadcast of this meeting was provided, and therefore, no information is currently available about the discussions or decisions that might have taken place.
The People Committee meeting scheduled for Tuesday, 18 June 2024, was postponed. No further details were provided.
The South of the Borough Planning Sub-Committee meeting scheduled for Wednesday, 19 June 2024, was postponed. No further details were provided.
The Place Committee meeting scheduled for Thursday, 20 June 2024, was postponed. No further details were provided.
The decision to refuse the variation of the premises licence for 601 PM Limited reflects the council's commitment to balancing business interests with community welfare and regulatory compliance. This aligns with previous themes of ensuring public safety and maintaining community standards, as seen in past discussions on planning applications and licensing matters.
Kingston Council Grants Licence Variation for Poor Boys – Key Decision This Week
This week, the Kingston upon Thames council held four scheduled meetings, but only one proceeded with substantial discussions. Here are the details:
- The Licensing Sub-Committee met on Tuesday, 04 June 2024, to discuss a variation to the premises licence for Poor Boys, Units 5 and 8, The Griffin Centre, Marketplace, Kingston upon Thames. The committee decided to grant the application, allowing the venue to add off-sales of alcohol to its current licence.
Application for a Variation of a Premises Licence for Poor Boys
The primary focus of the meeting was the application submitted by PBKT Limited for a variation to the existing premises licence for Poor Boys, located at Units 5 and 8, The Griffin Centre, Marketplace, Kingston upon Thames, KT1 1JT. The application sought to add off-sales of alcohol to match the current hours for on-sales, which are Monday to Friday from midday to 11 p.m., Saturday from 10 a.m. to 11 p.m., and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. There were no changes to other licensable activities.
The venue currently benefits from temporary permission for off-sales of alcohol under the Business and Planning Act 2020, which was introduced to support hospitality businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic. This temporary measure is set to expire on 31 March 2025, prompting the applicant to seek a permanent addition to their premises licence.
The Licensing Officer, Nicky Bentley, confirmed that the application had been properly advertised and consulted upon, with 551 addresses being notified. Three valid representations were received, though one was later withdrawn. The remaining representations raised concerns related to the prevention of crime and disorder, the prevention of public nuisance, and public safety.
Committee Discussion and Decision
The committee members inquired about any complaints since the temporary licence was granted in 2020. The Licensing Officer reported one incident in 2021 involving a gathering outside the premises that did not comply with COVID regulations, but no action was taken by the police.
Members also clarified that the application covered both off-sales for collection and home deliveries. The Licensing Officer confirmed that the police had not objected to the application.
Given the absence of the applicant and other persons registered to speak, the committee proceeded to deliberate. The committee considered the Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy and the Section 182 Home Office Guidance while promoting the licensing objectives.
The committee decided to grant the application for a variation of the premises licence to include off-sales of alcohol, subject to the existing conditions on the current licence. No additional conditions were imposed. The decision was made with the understanding that any issues arising from the new licence could be addressed through a review process.
For further details, you can refer to the printed minutes of the meeting.
The New and Old Malden Neighbourhood Committee meeting scheduled for Thursday, 06 June 2024, was postponed. No further details were provided.
The Kingston and North Kingston Neighbourhood Committee meeting scheduled for Tuesday, 04 June 2024, was postponed. No further details were provided.
The South of the Borough Neighbourhood Committee meeting scheduled for Wednesday, 05 June 2024, was postponed. No further details were provided.
The decision to grant the variation of the premises licence for Poor Boys reflects the council's ongoing efforts to support local businesses while ensuring public safety and compliance with licensing objectives. This aligns with previous themes of balancing economic support with regulatory oversight, as seen in past discussions on financial accountability and sustainable development.
Financial Accountability and Sustainable Development: Key Highlights from Kingston Council Meetings
This week, the Kingston upon Thames council held three scheduled meetings, but only two proceeded with substantial discussions. Here are the details:
- The Audit, Governance and Standards Committee met on Tuesday, 21 May 2024. The primary focus was on the 2022-23 statement of accounts and the external audit report.
2022-23 Statement of Accounts and External Audit Report: Rachel introduced the accounts and noted that the 2021-22 audit concluded with an unqualified opinion. The 2022-23 audit is nearly complete, with only a few remaining queries. Paul discussed the audit findings, highlighting areas such as income recognition, expenditure, management override of controls, and the valuation of land and buildings. Councillor Rowena Bass inquired about outstanding items and significant adjustments, which Paul clarified were mostly reclassifications rather than errors. The audit fee increase was also discussed, attributed to additional work required, including housing benefit subsidy audit work.
Approval and Delegation: The committee approved the accounts subject to minor amendments, delegating the final sign-off to the Chair once the remaining audit work is completed. Councillor Bass requested to be notified of any amendments, even minor ones, which was agreed upon.
Other Administrative Matters: Apologies were received from Councillor Tom Reeve, with Councillor Worldridge attending as his substitute. No public questions were received, and there were no declarations of interest. The minutes of the previous meeting held on March 28th were confirmed as a correct record.
The meeting concluded with no urgent items to discuss.
- The Planning Committee convened on Wednesday, 22 May 2024, focusing on the planning application for the demolition and redevelopment of the Typhoon Business Centre on Oakcroft Road, Chessington.
Redevelopment of Typhoon Business Centre: The proposal involves demolishing the existing building and constructing two new units for industrial and office use. The new units will include 18 car parking spaces, 16 cycle parking spaces, and will feature air source heat pumps and PV panels for energy efficiency. The development aims for significant carbon savings and a biodiversity net gain uplift of 790%.
Objections and Responses: Salim Faisal, Managing Director of Click See Limited, raised concerns about the impact on the access road for units 15A to 15E on Oakcroft Road. Aaron Peat from WSP, the agent for the application, responded that the new design would not worsen the current situation and clarified logistics improvements.
Committee Discussion: Concerns were raised about the security of the cycle storage and the extent of PV panels on the roof. Conditions were amended to ensure secure cycle storage and maximize the use of PV panels.
Decision: The planning application was approved with conditions to ensure secure cycle storage and maximized use of solar panels.
The meeting concluded with a unanimous vote in favor of the application.
- The Licensing Sub-Committee meeting scheduled for Tuesday, 21 May 2024, was cancelled. No further details were provided.
The approval of the 2022-23 statement of accounts by the Audit, Governance and Standards Committee and the redevelopment plans for the Typhoon Business Centre by the Planning Committee highlight ongoing themes of financial accountability and sustainable development. The emphasis on energy efficiency and biodiversity in the redevelopment project reflects the council's commitment to environmental stewardship, a theme we've discussed before. The discussions around audit findings and adjustments underscore the importance of transparency and meticulous financial oversight in local governance.
New Mayor Installed, Committee Appointments, and Ongoing Issues with Meeting Transparency
This week, the Kingston upon Thames council held four scheduled meetings, but only two proceeded with substantial discussions. Here are the details:
- The Council meeting on Tuesday, 14 May 2024, was primarily focused on the installation of the new Mayor, Councillor Liz Green, and the appointment of various committee members for the new municipal year. There were also tributes to the outgoing Mayor, Councillor Diane White, and Deputy Mayor, Richard Thorpe.
Installation of the New Mayor: Councillor Liz Green was formally installed as the Mayor of the Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames for the 2024-25 municipal year. Councillor Alison Holt and Councillor Ollie Waring praised her dedication and past contributions. Liz Green has been a Councillor for over 20 years, holding various positions including Leader, Deputy Leader, and Opposition Leader. She has also been involved with the Local Government Association (LGA) in multiple capacities.
Appointment of Deputy Mayor: Councillor Elizabeth Park was appointed as the Deputy Mayor. Liz Green also appointed her husband, Michael Green, and her daughters, Martha, Poppy, and Safran Green, as her consorts. Councillor Park appointed her son, Jay Kim, as the Deputy Mayor's escort, and her daughter, Angelina Kim, as her Deputy Mayor.
Mayor’s Announcements: The new Mayor announced her chosen charity, Habitats and Heritage, which operates in Kingston, Richmond, and Hounslow. Upcoming mayoral events include the Mayor's Sunday Civic Service on June 16th and a fundraising treasure hunt on July 6th.
Tributes to Outgoing Mayor and Deputy Mayor: Councillor Andres Kursk and Councillor Davey praised the outgoing Mayor, Diane White, and Deputy Mayor, Richard Thorpe, for their dedication and service. Diane White reflected on her year as Mayor, highlighting the importance of community and the various events she attended.
Appointment of Committee Members: The Council appointed members to various committees, panels, and other bodies. Councillor James Giles raised concerns about the removal of Councillor Cougar from the Corporate and Resources Committee and the lack of attendance by some members on the Licensing Committee. He also pointed out the non-existent Staff Consultative Committee and questioned the reorganization of portfolio holder functions.
Appointment of Non-Elected Members: The Council discussed the appointment of non-elected members to committees and panels. Councillor Giles expressed concerns about the vacancies in these positions and urged the administration to fill them promptly.
Vote of Thanks: A vote of thanks was given to the former Mayor, Diane White, and Deputy Mayor, Richard Thorpe, for their service. Councillor White received a retiring Mayor's badge.
Other Business: The Council appointed Mike Segal as the Honorary Tipstaff and Town Crier for another year. There were no urgent items or exempt business.
The meeting concluded with an invitation to a reception in the Queen Anne Suite, except for members of the Licensing Committee who had a brief meeting to attend.
The Licensing Committee meeting on Tuesday, 14 May 2024, unfortunately, did not yield any discernible information due to background noise drowning out the audio. This lack of clarity is a recurring issue we've discussed before, highlighting the need for better recording practices to ensure transparency and accountability.
The Licensing Sub-Committee meeting on Thursday, 16 May 2024, has not yet been summarised, so no information is currently available about the discussions or decisions that might have taken place.
The Kingston and North Kingston Neighbourhood Committee meeting scheduled for Thursday, 16 May 2024, was cancelled. No further details were provided.
The installation of Councillor Liz Green as the new Mayor and the appointment of committee members mark the beginning of a new municipal year. The emphasis on community service and the choice of Habitats and Heritage as the Mayor's charity reflect ongoing themes of community engagement and environmental stewardship. The concerns raised by Councillor James Giles about committee appointments and attendance underscore the importance of active participation and accountability in local governance.
Key Decisions and Conservation Efforts: Insights from This Week's Kingston Council Meetings
This week, the Kingston upon Thames council held three scheduled meetings, but only one proceeded with substantial discussions. Here are the details:
The Licensing Sub-Committee meeting scheduled for Monday, 22 April 2024, was cancelled. No further details were provided.
The Senior Staff Panel meeting took place on Thursday, 25 April 2024. However, the notes from this meeting have not yet been summarised, and therefore, no information is currently available about the discussions or decisions that might have taken place.
The most significant meeting this week was the Surbiton Neighbourhood Committee, which convened on Thursday, 25 April 2024. The committee addressed several key issues, notably planning applications and the ongoing concerns surrounding the Seething Wells site.
Former Pump House Application: The committee refused a planning application for converting the former pump house into offices. The decision was based on concerns about the project's isolation from broader site plans and its potential negative impacts on local biodiversity and heritage. This decision aligns with the community's broader conservation goals and the need to preserve the site's historical significance.
Residential Extension at 91 Ditton Road: An application for a residential extension was approved. Despite concerns about privacy and aesthetic impacts on neighboring properties, the council found the modifications to be in line with existing structures and planning guidelines.
Seething Wells Updates: The committee discussed the importance of maintaining the integrity of the Seething Wells site. It was agreed to request updates on enforcement actions and to explore further protective measures, reflecting the community's strong interest in preserving the site's environmental and historical value.
The Surbiton Neighbourhood Committee's meeting underscores a recurring theme in local governance: balancing development with conservation. This theme, evident in the decisions made regarding the former pump house and the residential extension, highlights the council's commitment to consider both community feedback and regulatory frameworks in their decision-making processes.
Recent meetings
Corporate and Resources Committee - Thursday 13 February 2025 7:30 pm
14 attendees, 13 documents, 1 media files
Planning Committee - Wednesday 12 February 2025 7:30 pm
11 attendees, 7 documents, 1 media files
Licensing Sub-Committee - Tuesday 11 February 2025 10:00 am
15 attendees, 14 documents, 0 media files
Place Committee - Tuesday 11 February 2025 7:30 pm
14 attendees, 21 documents, 1 media files
Scrutiny Panel - Monday 10 February 2025 7:30 pm
0 attendees, 0 documents, 0 media files
Senior Staff Panel - Monday 10 February 2025 9:45 am
5 attendees, 2 documents, 0 media files
Blue Badge Appeals Panel - Friday 7 February 2025 10:30 am
6 attendees, 5 documents, 0 media files
Licensing Committee - Thursday 6 February 2025 7:30 pm
0 attendees, 0 documents, 0 media files
People Committee - Wednesday 5 February 2025 7:30 pm
15 attendees, 20 documents, 1 media files
Kingston Partnership Board - Tuesday 4 February 2025 1:30 pm
4 attendees, 9 documents, 0 media files
Upcoming meetings
Licensing Sub-Committee - Tuesday 25 February 2025 9:45 am
Surbiton Neighbourhood Committee - Tuesday 25 February 2025 7:30 pm
South London Waste Partnership Joint Committee - Wednesday 26 February 2025 6:30 pm
Audit, Governance and Standards Committee - Wednesday 26 February 2025 7:30 pm, NEW