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Weekly updates
Licensing Decisions: Signor Panino & Joy Bar Get Green Light
In the last 7 days (since Saturday 22 June 2024), the council has held the following meetings:
- Eastbourne Borough Council Licensing Committee on Monday 24 June 2024 (cancelled).
- Joint Staff Advisory Committee on Thursday 27 June 2024 (cancelled).
- Eastbourne Borough Council Licensing Sub-Committee on Thursday 27 June 2024.
- Eastbourne Borough Council Licensing Sub-Committee on Thursday 27 June 2024.
Key Decisions and Discussions
Eastbourne Borough Council Licensing Sub-Committee – Signor Panino
The Eastbourne Borough Council Licensing Sub-Committee met to consider an application for a variation of the premises licence for Signor Panino, a restaurant at 8 Grove Road, Eastbourne. The application was approved with a condition that children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult after 9 pm.
Variation of Premises Licence for Signor Panino
The sub-committee reviewed an application from Signor Panino to remove the requirement for table meals from their licence, effectively allowing them to operate more like a bar. They also sought to extend their opening hours to 1 am daily and remove restrictions on amplified music and films. The application generated significant local interest, with 16 representations from residents and one from a local business objecting to the changes.
Councillor Paul Convery, representing the residents, expressed concerns about potential increases in crime and public nuisance:
Residents are concerned that if this application is granted in full it will lead to an increase in crime and disorder and public nuisance.
The applicants argued that they were a well-run business with a good relationship with neighbours and were simply seeking more flexibility. Their representative stated:
The application seeks to remove the existing restriction to operate as a restaurant only. We are not seeking to become a vertical drinking establishment, and this is recognised by the very modest extension to the terminal hour sought, being only 30 minutes from the existing.
After deliberation, the sub-committee found the application reasonable but added a condition requiring children under 16 to be accompanied by an adult after 9 pm to address residents' concerns.
Eastbourne Borough Council Licensing Sub-Committee – Joy Bar
The Eastbourne Borough Council Licensing Sub-Committee also met to consider an application to vary the premises licence for Joy Bar, 4 Bolton Road, Eastbourne. The committee granted the application with conditions.
Application to Vary Premises Licence for Joy Bar
The applicant, Stonegate Group, sought to extend the terminal hour for licensable activities from 00:00 to 02:00 on Thursdays to Saturdays and the eve of Bank Holidays, remove the requirement for two door supervisors on Fridays and Saturdays after 22:00, and make minor amendments to existing conditions. The application was considered under the Licensing Act 2003, which governs alcohol sales in England and Wales.
Representation From Objectors
Two residents objected, citing concerns over public nuisance, crime, and the cumulative impact of licensed premises in the Eastbourne Cumulative Impact Zone:
The noise from customers leaving and taxis beeping horns is a constant disturbance.Extract from representation from local resident, name redacted, Appendix 4: Public Representation (redacted)
Representation From the Applicant
The applicant's representative addressed these concerns, noting that the premises was not seeking to extend alcohol sales hours and operated a dispersal policy to minimise nuisance. They argued that the variation would help stagger customer departure times, reducing noise:
Whilst we understand the concerns raised, it's important to highlight that this isn't an application for later hours for the sale of alcohol. We believe that our proposal will actually help to alleviate existing noise issues because we'll be able to adopt a staggered approach to customers leaving.
The representative also explained that removing the requirement for door supervisors after 22:00 would align the licence with similar premises on the same street, ensuring parity.
The sub-committee granted the application with conditions, including a terminal hour of 01:00 for licensable activities, the continued employment of two door supervisors on Fridays and Saturdays after 22:00, and the installation and operation of CCTV. The committee acknowledged the objectors' concerns but agreed with the applicant that the variation would not negatively impact the licensing objectives.
This week's meetings focused on licensing variations for local businesses, reflecting the council's ongoing efforts to balance business flexibility with community concerns. The conditions imposed on Signor Panino and Joy Bar highlight the council's commitment to addressing public safety and nuisance issues while supporting local enterprises.
Council Approves Key Energy Efficiency Measures and New Social Housing Regulations
Stay informed about the latest decisions impacting our community, including energy efficiency in conservation areas and updates to social housing regulations.
In the last 7 days (since Saturday 08 June 2024), the council has held the following meetings:
- Eastbourne Borough Council Conservation Advisory Group on Tuesday 11 June 2024.
- Lewes District Council Planning Applications Committee on Wednesday 12 June 2024.
- Eastbourne Borough Council Cabinet on Wednesday 12 June 2024.
- Lewes District Council Licensing Committee on Thursday 13 June 2024 (cancelled).
Key Decisions and Discussions
Eastbourne Borough Council Conservation Advisory Group
The Eastbourne Borough Council Conservation Advisory Group meeting on 11 June 2024 focused on energy efficiency in protected settings and the consideration of two planning applications.
Energy Efficiency and Retrofit in Protected Settings
Alex Moojen, Conservation Officer, provided a briefing on promoting energy efficiency and managing retrofit considerations for listed buildings and conservation areas. The discussion covered various topics, including the placement of solar panels, evolving standpoints of bodies like Historic England, options for window frames and glazing, and the importance of public education on these matters. The group acknowledged the ongoing public drop-in advice sessions at The Beacon shopping centre and the status of a window audit across conservation areas.
Planning Applications for Consideration
- Manor Garden Cottage, 25 Compton Place Road, Eastbourne BN20 8AB – Ref: 230811
The group expressed serious concerns about the lack of detail for this large-scale application, particularly the proposed three-storey intervention. They felt it did not preserve the character and appearance of the conservation area or respect the adjacent listed building. The applicant was invited to work with officers to develop a more sensitive and appropriate proposal.
- 10 Pevensey Road, Eastbourne, BN21 3HP – Ref: 240025
The group felt that the previously approved scheme was superior and expressed concerns about the loss of railings, deep light wells, and changes to the roof and window design. They noted the over prominence
of the front extension to the infill on Susan’s Road. Consequently, the amended scheme was seen as only just preserving, rather than enhancing, the character and appearance of the conservation area. The group requested that officers liaise with the applicant to share their concerns and encourage reconsideration.
For more details, you can refer to the Public reports pack and the Agenda frontsheet for the meeting.
Lewes District Council Planning Applications Committee
The Lewes District Council Planning Applications Committee on 12 June 2024 saw the election of Councillor Paul Keane as the deputy chair for the remainder of the 2024/25 municipal year. The committee also discussed several planning applications, including:
- Multi-storey Car Park, Daker Road, Newhaven BN9QX – Ref: LW240282
The proposal for additional lighting and greenery walls was approved, with conditions to address concerns about lighting glare and ensuring the car park is well-lit and safe.
- South Down, Goat Lane, Ringmer – Ref: LW230360
The committee approved the demolition of an existing dwelling and the erection of one detached dwelling and two semi-detached dwellings, with conditions to address concerns about privacy, landscaping, and parking.
Eastbourne Borough Council Cabinet
The Eastbourne Borough Council Cabinet meeting on 12 June 2024 focused on the social housing regulation update and the sustainable procurement policy.
Social Housing Regulation Update
The update introduced new objectives around safety, transparency, and energy efficiency, strengthening the regulator's enforcement powers. The council's participation in a pilot scheme and ongoing work to improve compliance were highlighted.
Sustainable Procurement Policy
The policy aims to align procurement with the council's environmental plans, meet external climate change assessment criteria, and incorporate lessons learned during consultation. The policy will guide how the council evaluates tenders and providers, emphasizing environmental, economic, and social factors.
Lewes District Council Licensing Committee
The Lewes District Council Licensing Committee scheduled for 13 June 2024 was cancelled.
This week's meetings highlighted the council's commitment to energy efficiency, sustainable procurement, and social housing regulation. The discussions and decisions made will have a significant impact on the community, particularly in terms of housing standards and environmental sustainability. The approval of planning applications with conditions reflects the council's careful consideration of community concerns and regulatory requirements.
New Leadership and Key Approvals: Highlights from Lewes District Council's Annual Meeting
In the last 7 days (since Saturday 18 May 2024), the council has held the following meetings:
- Lewes District Council Full Council on Monday 20 May 2024.
- Eastbourne Borough Council Full Council on Wednesday 22 May 2024.
The most impactful meeting this week was the Lewes District Council Full Council on Monday 20 May 2024. This was the Annual Council Meeting, which primarily focused on the election of the Chair and Vice Chair of the Council, along with other administrative matters.
Election of the Chair and Vice Chair
Councillor Lesley Boniface was elected as the new Chair of the Council. She was nominated by Councillor Christine Brett and seconded by Councillor Davis. Councillor Brett praised Boniface's professionalism and community involvement, particularly noting her past role as Mayor of New Haven. The council unanimously elected Councillor Boniface.
For the Vice Chair position, Councillor Paul Keene had withdrawn his nomination. Consequently, Councillor Nicholson nominated Ian Alexander, highlighting his dignified service and recent involvement in a royal visit at Charleston. The council unanimously appointed Ian Alexander as Vice Chair.
Administrative Matters
The meeting also covered several routine administrative items:
- Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Koopland, Deney, Fabry, and Keene.
- No declarations of interest were made.
- The minutes of the previous meeting held on 19 February 2024 were approved.
- There were no urgent items to discuss.
- Ian Alexander provided a summary of his engagements over the past year, noting over 40 events and interactions with royalty.
- The Leader of the Council confirmed no changes to the existing Cabinet.
- The council approved the Annual Pay Policy Statement for 2024-2025.
- The calendar of meetings for 2024-2025 was ratified with minor changes.
- There were no urgent decisions by the Cabinet or Cabinet Members to report.
- The next meeting was scheduled for 6pm on Monday, 22nd July 2024.
The meeting concluded at 6:15pm.
The Eastbourne Borough Council Full Council meeting on Wednesday 22 May 2024 has not yet been summarised. Further details will be provided once available.
This week's focus on leadership elections and administrative approvals sets the stage for the council's activities in the coming year. The unanimous support for both the Chair and Vice Chair indicates a strong consensus among council members, which could lead to more cohesive decision-making processes. The approval of the Annual Pay Policy Statement and the ratification of the meeting calendar are routine but essential steps in ensuring the council's smooth operation.
Recent meetings
Lewes District Council Cabinet - Thursday, 20th March, 2025 2.30 pm
28 attendees, 24 documents, 1 media files
Eastbourne Borough Council Cabinet - Wednesday, 19th March, 2025 6.00 pm
24 attendees, 25 documents, 1 media files
Joint Staff Advisory Committee - Tuesday, 18th March, 2025 10.00 am
18 attendees, 3 documents, 0 media files
Eastbourne Borough Council Planning Committee - Tuesday, 18th March, 2025 6.00 pm
2 attendees, 0 documents, 0 media files
Eastbourne Borough Council Scrutiny Committee - Monday, 17th March, 2025 6.00 pm
17 attendees, 22 documents, 1 media files
Lewes District Council Policy and Performance Advisory Committee - Thursday, 13th March, 2025 5.00 pm
18 attendees, 25 documents, 1 media files
Lewes District Council Planning Applications Committee - Wednesday, 12th March, 2025 5.00 pm
20 attendees, 14 documents, 1 media files
Eastbourne Borough Council Conservation Advisory Group - Tuesday, 11th March, 2025 6.00 pm
3 attendees, 0 documents, 0 media files
Lewes District Council Licensing Sub-Committee - Friday, 7th March, 2025 2.30 pm
14 attendees, 2 documents, 0 media files
Lewes District Council Licensing Sub-Committee - Friday, 7th March, 2025 4.00 pm
14 attendees, 2 documents, 0 media files
Upcoming meetings
Lewes District Council Licensing Sub-Committee - Tuesday, 1st April, 2025 1.00 pm
Lewes District Council Licensing Sub-Committee - Tuesday, 1st April, 2025 3.00 pm
Lewes District Council Planning Applications Committee - Wednesday, 9th April, 2025 5.00 pm