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Weekly updates
North Herts Council Boosts Leisure Centre Decarbonisation Budget
In the past week, the North Hertfordshire Council held several meetings. Here's a summary of the key points discussed:
Date: Tuesday, 25 June 2024
The Cabinet meeting covered a range of important topics, including significant financial decisions and updates on key projects. Here are the highlights:
Leisure Centre Decarbonisation
The Cabinet agreed to increase the budget for the Council’s Leisure Centre Decarbonisation Scheme by £855,000. This decision was driven by unforeseen costs such as increased material costs, the discovery of asbestos, and issues with terminating existing Combined Heat and Power (CHP) units. The council also decided to terminate contracts with Centrica at a cost of £280,000.
The scheme, funded by a £7.7 million loan from Salix and £3 million from the council’s own capital budget, aims to replace gas boilers with air source heat pumps and install solar panels at the leisure centres in Letchworth and Royston. This project is crucial for the council’s goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2030.
“Further issues also identified regarding the termination of gas CHP units at Hitchin and Letchworth,” Sarah Kingsley, Corporate Director, Place, North Herts Council.
Councillor Ian Albert expressed his disappointment over the increased budget but emphasized the importance of appointing a quantity surveyor to manage the project and control costs. Councillor David Levitt highlighted the significance of the Salix loan in achieving the council’s carbon neutrality goals.
Council Delivery Plan
The Cabinet reviewed the Council Delivery Plan for 2023-24, noting that 11 of the 16 projects were completed. The remaining five projects are expected to be finished in the first quarter of 2024-25. The Council Delivery Plan will be reviewed again in the autumn.
Risk Management
The Cabinet discussed the Annual Report on Risk Management Governance, which assesses risks that could affect the council's objectives. Key risks include a fire at the council’s depot in Baldock and potential legislative changes following the upcoming general election. The council will set up a new cyber board to address cyber attack risks.
Revenue Budget Outturn
The Cabinet approved the revenue budget outturn for 2023-24, showing an underspend of £0.8 million, primarily due to higher than expected returns on cash investments.
Investment Strategy
The Cabinet approved the Investment Strategy for 2024-25, including an amendment to invest up to £5 million in a new high-interest account offered by Lloyd's Bank.
Key Performance Indicators
The Cabinet approved the key performance indicators for 2024-25, incorporating recommendations from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee to include KPIs for staff satisfaction and key suppliers' performance, and to publish quarterly updates.
“We need to be as transparent as possible about these things, even those things that may be more, more difficult for us,” Councillor Ian Albert, Executive Member for Finance and IT, North Herts Council.
CCTV Partnership Joint Executive
Date: Monday, 24 June 2024
The CCTV Partnership Joint Executive meeting focused on the Committee’s forward work programme and made no decisions.
CCTV System Upgrade
The head of community safety updated the committee on the progress of the CCTV system upgrade, which is on track to complete by December 2024.
“Work is progressing to programme and budget, [and] we remain on track to complete the upgrade by December 2024.”
Forward Work Programme
The committee discussed its forward work programme and expressed interest in receiving an update on the development of a data retention policy at the next meeting.
Financial Monitoring
The committee noted a report on the CCTV Partnership’s financial position as of the end of quarter one, 2024/25, forecasting a small underspend against the budget.
Southern Rural Community Forum
Date: Thursday, 27 June 2024
The Southern Rural Community Forum discussed grant funding allocations and received updates on local issues.
Grant Applications
The forum considered 6 applications for grant funding totaling £4780, including £1500 for a community event by the Friends of St Mary's Church, Pirton. All applications were unanimously recommended for approval.
Speed Indicator Devices
Jim Stevens, Road Safety Officer at Hertfordshire County Council, presented on the use of Speed Indicator Devices, explaining the assessment process and data collection methods.
“A question was asked how the effectiveness of the SIDs was measured. Mr Stevens confirmed that this was done in two ways, firstly by data which was collected by the device itself, and secondly by residents reporting back on whether they felt the device had made a difference.”
Rural Transport
Councillor Val Bryant reported on the Rural Transport Working Group's efforts to improve transport in rural areas, acknowledging that improvements to bus services would need to be cost-effective and would not happen overnight.
“The aspirations of the group were to improve rural bus services but there was an acceptance that this was not going to happen overnight and that any changes would need to be cost effective.”
Planning Control Committee
Date: Thursday, 27 June 2024
The transcript for this meeting is not available.
Stay tuned for more updates on council activities and decisions in the coming weeks.
Key Planning Decisions: The George at Baldock Revitalised and New Residential Units Approved
In the past week, the North Hertfordshire Council held several meetings. Here's a summary of the key points discussed:
Finance, Audit and Risk Committee
Date: Wednesday, 19 June 2024
The notes from this meeting have not yet been summarised, and no video was provided. The Finance, Audit and Risk Committee typically reviews the council's financial performance, risk management, and audit reports. These meetings are crucial for ensuring the council's financial health and accountability.
Baldock and District Community Forum
Date: Monday, 17 June 2024
We have not been able to find a video broadcast of this meeting. Community forums like this one usually focus on local issues, resident concerns, and community projects. They are essential for fostering community engagement and addressing the needs of Baldock and the surrounding district.
Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Date: Tuesday, 18 June 2024
The notes from this meeting have not yet been summarised, and no video was provided. The Overview and Scrutiny Committee is responsible for reviewing and scrutinising the decisions made by the council's executive and other committees. This ensures transparency and accountability in the council's operations.
Southern Rural Community Forum
Date: Thursday, 20 June 2024
This meeting has been postponed. Community forums like the Southern Rural Community Forum play a vital role in addressing local issues and engaging with residents in rural areas of North Hertfordshire.
Planning Control Committee
Date: Thursday, 20 June 2024
The Planning Control Committee meeting provided some significant insights into local development. Here are the key points discussed:
Key Decisions and Discussions:
Apologies for Absence: Councillor Michael Muir sent his apologies, and Councillor Joe Graziano substituted for him.
Notification of Other Business: There was no additional business to discuss.
Chair's Announcements: The Chair reminded members about the council's recording policy and the importance of declaring interests before discussing items.
Public Participation: The committee heard from four registered speakers, including a member advocate objector and the applicants' representatives.
Planning Applications:
- The George at Baldock: The committee discussed the application for the change of use of The George at Baldock to include a restaurant, cheese and wine bar, and hotel rooms. The application was approved, with the committee noting the importance of bringing the building back into use and the potential benefits to the town centre.
- 31 Hitchin Street, Baldock: The committee also approved the application for the change of use of 31 Hitchin Street from a restaurant to residential units. The decision was influenced by the site's location on the edge of the town centre and the challenges in maintaining it as a viable commercial space.
Quotes from the Meeting:
- Councillor Willoughby on The George at Baldock:
This site is one of the oldest hospitality sites in Baldock and actually in the district. We need to ensure our town centres and our communities are viable.
- Applicant's Agent on 31 Hitchin Street:
The site is on the very edge of the town centre, and the commercial units that used to reside near to that building have now disappeared. It's very much an outlier.
The decisions made during this meeting highlight the council's efforts to balance the preservation of historic sites with the need for viable commercial and residential spaces.
Stay tuned for more updates on council activities and decisions in the coming weeks.
Key Decisions on Green Spaces, Catering, and Decarbonisation at North Hertfordshire Council
In the past week, the North Hertfordshire Council held several meetings. Here's a summary of the key points discussed:
Joint Staff Consultative Committee
Date: Wednesday, 12 June 2024
The Joint Staff Consultative Committee convened virtually to discuss various matters, including the minutes of the Staff Consultation Forum (SCF) meetings from March, April, and May 2024, and to provide updates on HR and recruitment.
Key Decisions and Discussions:
Approval of Previous Minutes: The minutes from the 13 March 2024 meeting were approved, with corrections to the spelling of a committee member's name.
Green Spaces and Catering Team Restructures:
- The Green Spaces team restructure includes transforming an Area & Monitoring Officer post into an Environment and Tree Officer post, reporting to a newly named Senior Tree Officer. This restructure aims to be cost-neutral.
- The Catering Team restructure involves operating the Café Kiosk in Bancroft Gardens only on weekends and school holidays, managing the Howard Park Kiosk in-house for a year, and creating three Seasonal Kiosk Assistant roles. This restructure is also cost-neutral.
Solar Panel Electricity Generation: The council's solar panels have generated over 10 megawatt-hours of electricity annually in 2022 and 2023, saving approximately £2,000 each year.
Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme: Funding has been secured for decarbonising leisure centres, including installing more solar panels and heat pumps. The budget also includes extending fitness facilities at Royston Leisure Centre and potentially building a learner's pool.
Staff Survey: The Staff Survey received 228 responses, with 90% of staff recommending the council as an employer. Areas for improvement were identified, and updates will be provided to staff in the coming weeks.
National Pay Bargaining: The national pay bargaining process is ongoing, with unions submitting a pay claim for a £3,000 or 10% increase, whichever is greater. The national employers have made a final offer, which has been met with disappointment from the unions.
Apprenticeships: The council currently has seven apprentices and is actively promoting apprenticeship opportunities. The HR team attended an apprenticeship fair in March to highlight the variety of careers available at North Hertfordshire Council.
Inclusion Group: The Inclusion Group discussed neurodiversity in the workplace in April, with recommendations made to support neurodivergent employees.
Absence Rates: Short-term absence rates have fallen, while long-term absences remain consistent, with mental health being a significant factor. The HR team continues to support managers and staff in managing absences.
Quotes from the Meeting:
- Rebecca Webb on Recruitment:
Although the number of jobs advertised has reduced, we have seen an increase in the overall applicants with the revenues officer and planning compliance officer being particularly popular vacancies.
- Councillor Rona Cameron on Apprenticeships:
I'd like to see more of them. Can you tell me just either now or is there anything written down about the policy towards apprenticeships?
The committee also discussed future topics, agreeing to focus on coaching and mentoring at the next meeting, along with feedback from the staff consultation.
Planning Control Committee
Date: Thursday, 13 June 2024
The transcript for this meeting is not available. However, Planning Control Committee meetings typically involve reviewing planning applications, considering objections, and making decisions on development proposals. These meetings are crucial for managing local development and ensuring that it aligns with community needs and planning policies.
Royston and District Community Forum
Date: Tuesday, 11 June 2024
We have not been able to find a video broadcast of this meeting. Community forums like this one usually focus on local issues, resident concerns, and community projects. They are essential for fostering community engagement and addressing the needs of Royston and the surrounding district.
Hitchin Community Forum
Date: Tuesday, 11 June 2024
We have not been able to find a video broadcast of this meeting. Similar to other community forums, the Hitchin Community Forum likely discussed local issues, resident concerns, and community projects, playing a vital role in community engagement.
For more detailed information, you can refer to the Public reports pack and the Decisions document.
Stay tuned for more updates on council activities and decisions in the coming weeks.
Council Approves Event Amid Noise Concerns – Key Decisions from Last Week's Meetings
In the past week, the North Hertfordshire Council held two meetings. Here's a summary of the key points discussed:
Letchworth Community Forum
Date: Wednesday, 05 June 2024
The transcript for this meeting is not available. However, community forums typically focus on local issues, resident concerns, and community projects. These forums are essential for fostering community engagement and addressing the needs of Letchworth residents.
Licensing Sub-Committee
Date: Thursday, 06 June 2024
This meeting was conducted virtually via Zoom and livestreamed on YouTube. The primary focus was on an application for a standard temporary event notice under Section 100 of the Licensing Act 2003. The event in question was a 60th birthday party at the Orange Tree in Baldock, featuring live music and a barbecue.
Key participants included:
- Councillor Ian Albert (Chair)
- Councillor Keith Hoskins
- Councillor Tim Johnson
- Councillor Stephen Patmore
- Melanie Gillespie (Officer)
- Jasmine Jennings (Officer)
- Simio Paxi-Cato (Legal Advisor)
- Alan Stone (Environmental Health Officer)
- Michael Curtis (Applicant)
- Rob Scottfield (Representative for the premises)
Key Points Discussed:
Election of Chair and Reserve Member: Councillor Ian Albert was elected as the chair, and Councillor Stephen Patmore was nominated as the reserve member.
Hearing Procedure: The committee clerk outlined the hearing procedure, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a quorum and the process for handling technical issues during the virtual meeting.
Application Details: The application was for a temporary event notice for a 60th birthday party at the Orange Tree, including live music and a barbecue. The event was planned to take place in the garden and marquee area of the pub.
Environmental Health Concerns: Alan Stone, the Environmental Health Officer, raised concerns about noise levels and the potential for public nuisance. He referenced the Code of Practice on Environmental Noise at Concerts and other guidelines, noting that the proposed noise levels might exceed acceptable limits.
Applicant's Response: Rob Scottfield, representing the premises, argued that the event should be allowed to proceed and proposed using the event as a test case to gather data on noise levels. He emphasized the importance of finding a balance between providing live music and respecting the neighbors' peace.
Decision: The subcommittee decided to grant the application, considering the time of the event, its private nature, and the existing condition of six events per year on the premises license. They also advised that Alan Stone attend the event to gather evidence for future applications.
Quotes from the Meeting:
- Alan Stone:
The premises license for the Orange Tree was reviewed in 2021 by a member of the public complainant, who was concerned about noise from previous events.
- Rob Scottfield:
We are trying to be compliant. We have an opportunity here to go forward and get that compliance without looking back and maybe arguing about what has or hasn't happened in the past three years.
The decision to grant the application highlights the council's effort to balance community enjoyment with the need to minimize public nuisance. The advice to gather data during the event underscores the importance of evidence-based decision-making for future applications.
Stay tuned for more updates on council activities and decisions in the coming weeks.
Recent meetings
Planning Control Committee - Thursday, 13th February, 2025 7.00 pm
32 attendees, 12 documents, 1 media files
Cabinet - Tuesday, 11th February, 2025 7.30 pm
16 attendees, 20 documents, 1 media files
Finance, Audit and Risk Committee - Wednesday, 5th February, 2025 7.30 pm
15 attendees, 19 documents, 1 media files
Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Tuesday, 4th February, 2025 7.30 pm
22 attendees, 11 documents, 1 media files
Planning Control Committee - Thursday, 30th January, 2025 7.30 pm
22 attendees, 20 documents, 1 media files
Council - Thursday, 23rd January, 2025 7.30 pm
61 attendees, 35 documents, 1 media files
Council Tax Setting Committee - Thursday, 23rd January, 2025 5.30 pm
10 attendees, 11 documents, 1 media files
Cabinet Panel on the Environment - Wednesday, 22nd January, 2025 7.30 pm
13 attendees, 8 documents, 1 media files
Planning Control Committee - Thursday, 16th January, 2025 7.30 pm
32 attendees, 15 documents, 1 media files
Extraordinary (Rearranged from 9 December 2024), Council - Wednesday, 15th January, 2025 7.30 pm, NEW
60 attendees, 24 documents, 1 media files
Upcoming meetings
Licensing Sub-Committee - Monday, 17th February, 2025 10.00 am, NEW
Planning Control Committee - Tuesday, 25th February, 2025 7.00 pm