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Weekly updates
Key Decisions: New Schools Chair, Bulge Class Funding, and Planning Appeal
This week, Windsor and Maidenhead Council held several meetings, addressing a variety of important topics. Here’s a summary of the key discussions and decisions:
Schools Forum - Thursday 27 June 2024
The Schools Forum convened to discuss several key issues, including the appointment of new leadership, the financial position of the dedicated schools grant, and funding for bulge classes.
Leadership Appointments
The forum formally appointed Chris Tomes as the Chair. The vice chair position remains vacant and will be addressed in a future meeting.
Dedicated Schools Grant Update
Louise Dutton, Head of Finance, presented an update on the dedicated schools grant (DSG). Key points included:
- Financial Year 2023/24: The DSG allocation was £150.476 million, with a net budget of £74.916 million. The actual spend was £74.910 million, resulting in a small underspend of £5,900.
- Financial Year 2024/25: The DSG settlement is £165.364 million, an increase of £9.437 million, largely due to new provisions for early years.
De-Delegated Services
The forum discussed the out-turn position for 2023/24, noting an underspend of £115,000, which has been moved into a near-mark reserve. The final allocations for 2024/25 were confirmed.
Bulge Class Funding
The forum revisited the funding for bulge classes, particularly focusing on Dutchett. The decision was made to adopt a three-year protection starting at 90% and phasing down to 40%. This decision aims to provide adequate support while considering future needs on a case-by-case basis.
Delivering Better Value (DBV) Project
Helen Huntley provided an update on the DBV project, which aims to improve the high needs block overspend. The council successfully secured a £1 million grant to build capacity across educational establishments.
Appeals Panel - Friday 28 June 2024
The Appeals Panel met to consider an appeal against the refusal of planning permission for an extension to a house in Wraysbury. The appeal was dismissed.
The appeal sought to overturn the Council’s decision to refuse planning permission for a two-storey and single-storey side and rear extension, front porch extension, and loft conversion with rear dormer and front rooflights at Copperfields, Windsor Road, Wraysbury, TW19 5JG.
The panel agreed with the council's assessment that the proposal was out of character with the surrounding area and would harm the appearance of the street scene. The decision was based on policies DM12 and DM24 of the Borough Local Plan 2013 and the National Planning Policy Framework.
Licensing & Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) Sub Committee - Friday 28 June 2024
The Licensing & PSPO Sub Committee met to discuss the renewal of a licence for gaming machines at The Bell Inn Public House in Hurley. Councillors voted to renew the licence for a period of three years.
The Police had objected to the renewal on the grounds that Hurley is a Category A Village, which typically does not permit such licences. However, the applicant, Admiral Taverns, argued that the licence had been in place since 1968 without issues.
The sub-committee decided to renew the licence, citing the lack of problems historically and the financial importance of the machines to the pub's business.
Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education - Monday 24 June 2024
The meeting received reports on Ofsted inspections in the Borough, the composition of the committee, and progress on the RBWM SACRE Development Plan 2023-2025. No decisions were made during the meeting.
Ofsted Inspections
The committee reviewed a report on Ofsted inspections, highlighting the importance of statutory guidance on Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education1.
Membership of the Committee
The committee noted that its membership is incomplete, with some groups unrepresented. The committee has a statutory duty to include representatives from different religious groups.
Progress on the Development Plan
The committee discussed progress on the RBWM SACRE Development Plan, emphasizing the need for flexibility and responsiveness to local needs.
Licensing & Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) Sub Committee - Monday 24 June 2024
No video was provided for this meeting.
School Improvement Forum - Tuesday 25 June 2024
This meeting was cancelled.
Appointment Committee - Friday 28 June 2024
The Appointment Committee met in private to discuss an appointment. No decisions were announced.
Local Government Act 1972
The committee voted unanimously to apply Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 to exclude the public from the meeting. This decision was made because the discussion could have revealed exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 1-7 of Schedule 12A of the Act.
This week's meetings highlight the council's ongoing efforts to manage educational funding, maintain public order, and address planning and development issues. The decisions made reflect a commitment to balancing community needs with regulatory and financial responsibilities.
RSE stands for 'Relationships and Sex Education', a compulsory subject in all schools in England and Wales. ↩
New Leadership in Disability Forum & Adult Social Care Realignment in Windsor and Maidenhead
This week, Windsor and Maidenhead council held several meetings, addressing a variety of important topics. Here’s a summary of the key discussions and decisions:
Disability and Inclusion Forum - Monday 10 June 2024
The Disability and Inclusion Forum had a significant meeting this week, with the appointment of new leadership and discussions on various topics related to disability inclusion in the borough.
Leadership Appointments
The forum appointed Lisa Keyes as the Chair and Angela Clark as the Vice Chair. This leadership change is expected to bring new perspectives and drive the forum's initiatives forward.
Key Discussions
- Equality Act: The forum emphasized the importance of the Equality Act, which replaced the Disability Discrimination Act 14 years ago. The Act aims to ensure equality of opportunities for disabled individuals in various aspects of life, including education, employment, and public services.
- Taxi Consultation: The forum discussed the results of a recent taxi consultation, focusing on the introduction of six-monthly DBS checks for drivers and changes to taxi livery to ensure recognizability and safety. The new livery will be phased in to minimize financial pressure on taxi drivers.
- Council Plan 2024-2028: Claire Walsh presented an overview of the Council Plan, highlighting the vision, aims, and priorities for the borough. The forum discussed how they could contribute to the plan, particularly in areas related to digital accessibility and community engagement.
The Disability and Inclusion Forum continues to play a crucial role in highlighting issues and working with council officers to improve policies and services for people with disabilities.
People Overview and Scrutiny Panel - Monday 10 June 2024
The People Overview and Scrutiny Panel focused on several key areas, including the realignment of adult social care services and the election of new leadership.
Leadership Appointments
Councillor Helen Taylor was elected as Chair, and Councillor Davies as Vice Chair for the municipal year 2024-2025.
Adult Social Care Realignment
Kevin McDaniel, Executive Director of Adult Services, Health, and Community, presented a proposal to bring statutory adult social care services back in-house from Optalis. Key points included:
- Recruitment and Retention: The move aims to improve the recruitment and retention of social workers by offering competitive salaries and pension schemes.
- Efficiency and Oversight: The realignment is expected to enhance oversight and efficiency, with a focus on making the most of the new Mosaic case management system.
- Financial Implications: The transition is intended to be cost-neutral, with a focus on long-term savings and improved service delivery.
The panel discussed the potential risks and benefits of the realignment, with a general consensus on the importance of improving adult social care services.
One Borough - Tuesday 11 June 2024
The One Borough meeting took place, but we do not have a video broadcast or transcript available for this meeting. These meetings typically focus on fostering community cohesion and addressing issues that affect the entire borough.
Place Overview and Scrutiny Panel - Wednesday 12 June 2024
The Place Overview and Scrutiny Panel met, but we do not have a video broadcast or transcript available for this meeting. These panels usually review matters related to local infrastructure, environmental policies, and community development.
Corporate Parenting Forum - Thursday 13 June 2024
The Corporate Parenting Forum also met this week, but we do not have a video broadcast or transcript available. These forums are essential for discussing issues related to children in care and care leavers, ensuring that the council meets its responsibilities as a corporate parent.
This week's meetings highlight the council's ongoing efforts to improve disability inclusion, realign adult social care services, and ensure effective governance. The decisions made reflect a commitment to enhancing community support and maintaining responsive local governance.
Audit Insights and Youth Engagement: Key Takeaways from Windsor and Maidenhead Council Meetings
This week, Windsor and Maidenhead council held several meetings, addressing a variety of important topics. Here’s a summary of the key discussions and decisions:
Youth Council - Monday 03 June 2024
The Youth Council met, but unfortunately, we do not have a video broadcast or transcript available for this meeting. Typically, these meetings focus on issues such as mental health support, educational opportunities, and youth engagement in local governance. The Youth Council serves as a vital platform for young voices to influence council policies and decisions.
Audit and Governance Committee - Tuesday 04 June 2024
The Audit and Governance Committee meeting was particularly significant, covering several critical topics:
Internal Audit Progress Report
Lisa Fryer from SWAP Internal Audit Services presented the internal audit progress report for Q4 of 2023-24. The report highlighted significant outcomes from audits, updates on progress against the plan, and changes made to the plan. Key points included:
- Completion of 2023-24 Plan: All reviews in the 2023-24 plan are now at least at the reporting stage, with the plan substantially complete.
- Section 106 Corporate Risk: The high corporate risk reported in 2023 has now been removed following a follow-up review, with all agreed actions implemented.
- Limited Assurance Reviews: Four limited assurance audits were finalized, covering maximizing parking income, disabled facilities grant process, tree safety, and information governance.
Contract Management
Councillor Leeds raised concerns about the high corporate risk associated with contract management, particularly the outdated and incomplete contract register. Elizabeth Griffiths, Executive Director of Resources, acknowledged the issue and outlined steps being taken to address it, including additional staffing and training.
Follow-Up Audits
The committee reviewed follow-up audits on Section 106 agreements, risk management, records management, and adults' financial assessments. Progress has been made in most areas, but some actions remain in progress, particularly in records management due to staffing changes.
Windsor and Ascot Development Management Committee - Thursday 06 June 2024
The Windsor and Ascot Development Management Committee met, but we do not have a video broadcast or transcript available for this meeting. These meetings typically focus on planning applications and development proposals, ensuring that new developments align with local planning policies and community needs.
This week's meetings highlight the council's ongoing efforts to manage financial oversight, address high-risk areas, and ensure that local governance remains responsive and effective. The decisions made reflect a commitment to balancing fiscal responsibilities with community needs and improving transparency and accountability in council operations.
Windsor and Maidenhead Council Tackles Financial Strain, Asset Sales, and Social Care Reforms
This week, Windsor and Maidenhead council held several meetings, addressing a variety of important topics. Here’s a summary of the key discussions and decisions:
Youth Council - Monday 20 May 2024
The Youth Council met, but unfortunately, we do not have a video broadcast or transcript available for this meeting. Typically, these meetings focus on issues such as mental health support, educational opportunities, and youth engagement in local governance. The Youth Council serves as a vital platform for young voices to influence council policies and decisions.
Cabinet - Wednesday 22 May 2024
The Cabinet meeting covered several significant topics, including financial challenges, asset sales, school transport policy changes, and the realignment of adult social care services.
Financial Update
Elizabeth Griffiths, Executive Director of Resources, provided an update on the council's financial situation. The council is facing a difficult financial position, with plans in place to transform finances but continued erosion of reserves. The council has decided to approach central government for exceptional financial support to ensure time to deliver transformation plans. Councillor Lynn Jones highlighted the inherited financial issues, including underfunding in social care and historical decisions impacting the budget. The council has robust plans to transform services and is working towards financial stability.
Reform Road Asset Sales
Councillor Adam Burman discussed the proposal to market the council's assets at Reform Road for sale. The site includes previously developed land and 13 buildings on long ground leases. The council aims to maximize the capital receipt from the sale, with an estimated value in excess of £10 million. The decision to market the site was approved, with a focus on achieving the best value for the council. Mike Singh from the Maidenhead Gurdwara spoke in support of the proposal, requesting consideration for individual site bids to accommodate community needs.
School Transport Policy
Councillor Amy Tiisi presented a change to the school transport policy for post-16 pupils with special educational needs or disabilities. The proposal introduces a personal transport budget, allowing families to choose transport options that suit their needs. The budget can be used for various purposes, including driving lessons and taxi fares. The council will support families in managing these budgets and ensure appropriate use. The policy aims to help residents lead healthy, independent lives.
Adult Social Care Realignment
Councillor Catherine Del Campo discussed the realignment of adult social care services. The statutory services, currently provided by Optalis, will be brought back in-house. This includes social work, occupational therapy assessments, safeguarding, strategy, commissioning, and procurement. The move aims to improve oversight and efficiency, with the goal of being cost-neutral aside from already budgeted growth. The council will 2p the remaining 130 staff members over to RBWM, with a focus on achieving financial stability and helping people live healthy, independent lives.
Rights of Way & Highway Licensing Panel - Monday 20 May 2024
The meeting focused on the review and approval of the milestone statement and rights of way improvement plan for 2024-2025. Jackie Wheeler, the Parks and Countryside Access Officer, introduced the report, which included the results from the 2023-2024 year and set priorities, targets, and service standards for the coming year. The milestone statement, now in its 26th year, outlines the council's responsibilities for managing and maintaining public rights of way.
Councillor Craig Baskerville inquired about the reduction in volunteer hours for public rights of way maintenance. Wheeler explained that the decrease was due to the conservation volunteers (TCV) not receiving the RBWM grant this year, but efforts are being made to secure heritage lottery funding to support volunteer management in the future.
Councillor Simon Werner raised concerns about specific schemes, including the towpath from Mill Lane to Odney Common and the footpath across the weir in Cookham. Wheeler noted that the towpath issue would be revisited with the landowner, and the footpath access problem is being discussed with the Environment Agency, which has safety concerns.
Councillor John Hill highlighted the need for a new parish rights of way leaflet, noting that Sunninghill and Ascot were interested in creating one. Wheeler confirmed that the parish councils typically fund these leaflets, with the borough facilitating their design and information.
Councillor Werner also asked about the use of composite materials for bridges, referencing a bridge named after Margaret Baldry. Wheeler stated that wood is generally used for bridges due to its availability and cost, but she would look into the use of composite materials.
The milestone statement and rights of way improvement plan for 2024-2025 were approved unanimously.
Appeals Panel - Wednesday 22 May 2024
The Appeals Panel met, but we do not have a video broadcast or transcript available for this meeting.
Licensing & Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) Sub Committee - Thursday 23 May 2024
The Licensing & PSPO Sub Committee met, but we do not have a video broadcast or transcript available for this meeting.
This week's meetings highlight the council's ongoing efforts to manage financial challenges, support vulnerable populations, and maintain public rights of way. The decisions made reflect a commitment to balancing fiscal responsibilities with community needs and ensuring that local governance remains responsive and effective.
Key Developments in Windsor and Maidenhead: Youth Initiatives, Planning Approvals, and Community Safety
This week, Windsor and Maidenhead council held several meetings, addressing a variety of important topics. Here’s a summary of the key discussions and decisions:
Youth Council - Tuesday 07 May 2024
The Youth Council met to discuss several initiatives aimed at improving the lives of young people in the area. Although the transcript is not available, these meetings typically focus on issues such as mental health support, educational opportunities, and youth engagement in local governance. The Youth Council serves as a vital platform for young voices to influence council policies and decisions.
Windsor Forum - Wednesday 08 May 2024
The Windsor Forum convened to discuss local community issues, though specific details are not provided in the transcript. Forums like these are crucial for addressing residents' concerns and ensuring that local governance is responsive to the needs of the community. Topics often include public safety, local business support, and community events.
Windsor and Ascot Development Management Committee - Thursday 09 May 2024
The most impactful meeting this week was the Windsor and Ascot Development Management Committee. Chaired by Councillor Amy Teasey, the committee reviewed a significant planning application for Old Boundary House and New Boundary House on London Road in Sunningdale. The proposal involves a mixed-use scheme with 14 apartments and 800 square meters of office space, replacing the existing 725 square meters of office space across two buildings.
The application had previously been refused due to concerns about the loss of employment space, character and appearance, insufficient amenity space, and the absence of Special Protection Area (SPA) mitigation. However, the planning inspector dismissed the appeal only on the grounds of employment space and residential amenities, finding no fault with the character and appearance of the proposed development.
Key points from the meeting include:
- Employment Space: The new scheme provides more office space than currently exists, addressing one of the main reasons for the previous refusal.
- Design and Amenity Improvements: The new design reduces the massing and improves the relationship with surrounding properties, enhancing both communal and private amenity spaces.
- Sustainable Development: The proposal includes measures for biodiversity net gain, carbon offset contributions, and sustainable urban drainage systems to mitigate flood risks.
The committee recommended approval of the application, subject to a Section 106 legal agreement to secure contributions for affordable housing, carbon offset, and biodiversity net gain. This decision reflects a careful balance between development needs and community impact, ensuring that new developments contribute positively to the local area.
Corporate Parenting Forum - Tuesday 07 May 2024
The Corporate Parenting Forum met to discuss issues related to children in care and care leavers. These meetings are essential for ensuring that the council meets its responsibilities as a corporate parent, providing support and opportunities for some of the most vulnerable young people in the community.
Licensing & Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) Sub Committee - Thursday 09 May 2024
The Licensing & PSPO Sub Committee reviewed applications and issues related to public space protection orders and licensing. These discussions are crucial for maintaining public order and safety, ensuring that local businesses operate within the legal framework, and addressing any community concerns related to public spaces.
This week's meetings highlight the council's ongoing efforts to manage development, support vulnerable populations, and maintain public safety. The decisions made reflect a commitment to balancing growth with community needs and ensuring that local governance remains responsive and effective.
Key Decisions and Debates: Windsor and Maidenhead Council's Latest Moves
This week, Windsor and Maidenhead council convened several meetings, addressing a range of issues from community assets to financial oversight. Here's a breakdown of the key discussions and decisions:
Cabinet Meeting - Wednesday 24 April 2024
The Cabinet meeting was particularly significant, covering several critical topics:
Novello Theatre Sale: The council debated the future of the Novello Theatre, a key cultural asset. The decision to sell the theatre at its appraised value, despite community appeals for a lower price to facilitate easier acquisition, was made to balance fiscal responsibilities with cultural preservation. The council has allowed a period for community fundraising, reflecting a commitment to community interests while adhering to financial and legal standards.
Leisure Management Contract Renewal: A new procurement process for the leisure management contract, effective from April 2025, was initiated. This decision followed a review of VAT implications and past contract challenges. The council aims to maintain essential community health facilities while ensuring financial viability and avoiding previous contract-related issues.
Financial Monitoring Report: The Month 11 financial monitoring report highlighted an overspend, raising concerns about historical financial management. The council acknowledged these issues and committed to enhancing financial practices and transparency. This decision is crucial for future budget planning and financial stability.
Lease Renewal at York House: The renewal of the York House lease was approved with minimal debate. The terms remained largely unchanged, with a short rent-free period offered as an incentive. This decision ensures continued income from the property and was seen as straightforward and uncontroversial.
The Cabinet meeting underscored ongoing issues with financial oversight, a recurring theme we will continue to monitor. The council's approach to balancing community interests with fiscal responsibilities was evident, reflecting a nuanced understanding of the complexities involved in municipal governance.
Other meetings this week, including the Place Overview and Scrutiny Panel, Youth Council, Health and Wellbeing Board, and Aviation Forum, have yet to release detailed summaries. We will provide updates on these as they become available.
Recent meetings
Youth Council - Monday 24 March 2025 7.00 pm
0 attendees, 2 documents, 0 media files
Adults, Children and Health Overview and Scrutiny Panel - Monday 24 March 2025 7.00 pm
16 attendees, 9 documents, 0 media files
Rural Forum - Tuesday 25 March 2025 5.30 pm
8 attendees, 4 documents, 0 media files
Maidenhead Development Management Committee - Thursday 20 March 2025 6.00 pm
14 attendees, 19 documents, 1 media files
Appointment Committee - Tuesday 18 March 2025 11.00 am
11 attendees, 5 documents, 0 media files
Windsor Forum - Tuesday 18 March 2025 6.30 pm
11 attendees, 8 documents, 1 media files
Berkshire Pension Fund Committee - Monday 17 March 2025 4.00 pm
17 attendees, 22 documents, 1 media files
Berkshire Pension Board - Monday 17 March 2025 11.00 am
9 attendees, 25 documents, 1 media files
Maidenhead Town Forum - Thursday 13 March 2025 6.30 pm
10 attendees, 4 documents, 1 media files
Licensing & Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) Sub Committee - Wednesday 12 March 2025 2.00 pm
7 attendees, 5 documents, 1 media files
Upcoming meetings
Extraordinary, Maidenhead Development Management Committee - Wednesday 26 March 2025 6.00 pm
Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Panel - Thursday 27 March 2025 7.00 pm
Audit and Governance Committee - Monday 31 March 2025 7.00 pm
Place Overview and Scrutiny Panel - Tuesday 1 April 2025 7.00 pm
Windsor and Ascot Development Management Committee - Thursday 3 April 2025 6.00 pm