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Weekly updates
Key Planning Approvals and Customer Service Changes in West Oxfordshire
In the past week, the West Oxfordshire council held two meetings: the Lowlands Area Planning Sub-Committee on Monday, 10 June 2024, and the Executive on Wednesday, 12 June 2024. These meetings included significant decisions on planning applications and changes to customer service operations.
Lowlands Area Planning Sub-Committee
The Lowlands Area Planning Sub-Committee meeting began with the election of Councillor Mike as the Chairman and Councillor Andy Goodwin as the Vice-Chairman. The committee then moved on to discuss various planning applications.
Key Decisions
9 Charterville Close, Minster Lovell:
- Proposal: Installation of a drop curb and hard standing for off-street parking.
- Decision: Approved.
- Discussion: The application was approved despite concerns about the loss of green space and potential biodiversity impacts. The committee noted that similar developments had been approved in the past and that the proposed parking would alleviate local parking issues.
North Leigh Football Club:
- Proposal: Extension of the use of a temporary car park for a further 12 months.
- Decision: Approved.
- Discussion: The extension was granted to accommodate ongoing construction at the Estelle Manor site. Concerns were raised about the accuracy of the car park layout and the need for a comprehensive travel plan. The committee agreed to conduct a site visit to ensure compliance with the approved layout.
Elmfield, New York Road, Whitney:
- Proposal: Installation of replacement rooftop solar panels.
- Decision: Approved.
- Discussion: The application was straightforward and involved replacing existing solar panels with new, more efficient ones. The committee noted that the proposal met all relevant planning criteria.
Executive Meeting
The Executive meeting focused on several key issues, including changes to customer telephone access timings and the upgrading of public space CCTV provision.
Changes to Customer Telephone Access Timings
- Proposal: To make permanent the trial reduction in customer telephone access hours.
- Decision: Approved.
- Discussion: The trial showed a significant reduction in call volumes and an increase in the use of digital channels. Customer satisfaction remained high, and the changes resulted in cost savings. The Executive agreed to adopt the reduced telephone access hours on a permanent basis, subject to approval by Cotswold District Council.
Upgrading of Public Space CCTV Provision
- Proposal: Major review and upgrade of the CCTV system, including joining the Thames Valley Police CCTV partnership.
- Decision: Approved.
- Discussion: The upgrade will include high-definition digital cameras and the extension of coverage to Chipping Norton. The partnership with Thames Valley Police will improve monitoring and maintenance, and a fairer funding formula will be implemented. The Executive also addressed a potential funding shortfall by prioritizing value engineering and seeking contributions from Thames Valley Police and town councils.
The decisions made this week reflect the council's commitment to improving public services and infrastructure while balancing community needs and environmental considerations.
- Planning Decisions: The approval of planning applications for parking and solar panels demonstrates the council's focus on practical solutions to local issues. The extension of the temporary car park at North Leigh Football Club highlights the importance of accommodating ongoing development while ensuring compliance with planning conditions.
- Customer Service: The permanent reduction in telephone access hours indicates a shift towards digital service delivery, which has been well-received by residents. This change is expected to improve efficiency and reduce costs.
- CCTV Upgrades: The comprehensive upgrade of the CCTV system and the partnership with Thames Valley Police will enhance public safety and operational efficiency. The new funding formula ensures a fair distribution of costs among stakeholders.
These meetings underscore the council's proactive approach to governance, emphasizing strategic planning, community engagement, and continuous improvement. The willingness to address concerns and adapt to changing circumstances reflects a commitment to transparency and accountability, themes that have been consistent in our discussions.
West Oxfordshire Council: New Leadership, CCTV Upgrades, and Service Performance Insights
In the past week, the West Oxfordshire council held a Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting on Wednesday, 05 June 2024. This meeting was particularly significant as it marked the beginning of the civic year and included discussions on important topics such as the upgrades to the CCTV system and service performance reports.
Overview and Scrutiny Committee
The Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting began with the election of new leadership. Councillor Andrew Beane was elected as the Chair, and Councillor Aitman was appointed as the Vice Chair. The committee also noted apologies for absence and temporary appointments, ensuring that all positions were adequately filled for the upcoming year.
CCTV System Upgrades
One of the most impactful discussions was the approval of upgrades to the CCTV system. The council owns and operates a public open space CCTV system consisting of 63 cameras, monitored at Whitney police station by Thames Valley Police staff. The system was found to be obsolete and in need of significant maintenance. The proposed upgrades include:
- Relocation and Addition of Cameras: In Whitney, two cameras will be removed, six relocated, and three new locations added. Coverage will also be extended to Chipping Norton with five new cameras.
- High-Definition Digital Cameras: The upgrade will include high-definition digital cameras to improve the quality of surveillance.
- Partnership with Thames Valley Police: The council will join Thames Valley Police's CCTV partnership, transferring all CCTV assets to them. This will involve a CCTV command suite in Abingdon for Oxfordshire, with Thames Valley Police assuming full operational responsibility for the system and its maintenance.
The financial implications are significant, with an estimated annual revenue saving of around £60,000. The funding formula will see 50% of ongoing costs met by Thames Valley Police and 50% by local authorities, calculated based on the percentage of total cameras and the community safety partnership funding formula.
Councillor Simpson raised concerns about the control and potential relocation of cameras by Thames Valley Police. The response clarified that a partnership board would oversee such decisions, ensuring that any changes would be agreed upon collectively.
Service Performance Reports
The committee also reviewed service performance reports, highlighting both achievements and areas needing improvement:
- Positive Performance: Nearly all service areas exceeded their targets, including visits to leisure centres, processing times for council tax support and housing benefits, and the number of missed bins per 100,000 collections.
- Areas for Improvement: The percentage of household waste recycled and the response time for Freedom of Information (FOI) requests were below target. The council is committed to further improving these areas, with ongoing efforts to analyze data and identify problem areas.
The upgrades to the CCTV system are expected to enhance public safety and operational efficiency, while the partnership with Thames Valley Police will ensure better resource management and cost savings. The focus on service performance highlights the council's commitment to continuous improvement and responsiveness to community needs.
The election of new leadership and the emphasis on community-oriented initiatives, such as the CCTV upgrades, indicate a proactive approach to governance. This aligns with the council's ongoing efforts to balance administrative efficiency with community well-being, a recurring theme in our discussions.
The willingness to address concerns, such as those raised about the control of CCTV cameras, and the focus on improving service performance demonstrate the council's dedication to transparency and accountability. This week's meeting underscores the importance of strategic planning and collaboration in achieving the council's goals.
New Leadership and Strategic Appointments: Key Changes in West Oxfordshire Council
In the past week, the West Oxfordshire council held four meetings on Wednesday, 22 May 2024. These meetings were the Licensing Committee, the Audit and Governance Committee, the Council, and the Development Control Committee. This week’s focus was on the election of new leadership and the appointment of committee members.
Licensing Committee
The Licensing Committee meeting was primarily administrative. Dan Levy called for proposals for a chair, and Mark Walker was elected. Councillor Jackson was elected as vice chair. Absences were noted, including Andrew Lyons. The committee appointed five members to the miscellaneous licensing subcommittee: David Jackson, David Melvin, Ed James, Andrew Lyon, and Sandra Simpson. This meeting was straightforward, focusing on internal appointments and ensuring the subcommittees were properly staffed.
Audit and Governance Committee
The Audit and Governance Committee also focused on appointments. Councillor Smith was appointed as the chair. The standard subcommittee members for 2024-25 were confirmed: Councillor David Jackson, Councillor Poskitt, Councillor Edward James, Councillor Jo Aitman, and Councillor Sandra Simpson. These appointments ensure that the committee is prepared for the upcoming year, maintaining continuity and stability in governance.
Council Meeting
The Council meeting was the most impactful of the week. Councillor Elizabeth Poskitt was unanimously elected as the new Chair, and Councillor Andrew Coles was elected as Vice Chair. This leadership change is significant, as Councillor Poskitt has extensive experience and has served on many committees.
Apologies for absence were received from several councillors, including Joy Eitman and Alaric Smith. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved with one amendment. New members were introduced, and departing members were acknowledged, including Jeff Haynes, who served for over 24 years.
Councillor Poskitt announced her upcoming trip to Canada and her chosen charities: Woodstock Exhibition Foundation, Friends of the Oxfordshire Museum, and Save the Children Fund. Councillor Andrew Coles was thanked for his service as Chair, having raised £3,000 for charity during his term.
The report of the Leader highlighted the growth of the West Oxfordshire Alliance and confirmed executive members, including Councillor Rizvana Paul for Stronger Healthy Communities and Councillor Alaric Smith for Finance. The Future Oxfordshire Partnership appointments were confirmed, and a review of the role of member champions was announced.
The Returning Officer's report on elections was noted, with special thanks to the electoral services team. The council committees were established with some changes, including reducing the size of the Audit and Governance Committee to 11 members. Councillor Lydia Articheska was added to the Local Plan Working Group.
The council adopted the constitution and agreed on the scheme of officer delegations for non-executive functions. The recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel for councillor allowances were agreed upon, including a special responsibility allowance for the Vice Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee. Councillor Ashton was appointed as a temporary member of Fulbrook Parish Council to enable it to be quorate and co-opt new members.
A proposal to trial a 6 PM start time for the September meeting was discussed, but the decision was deferred to the July meeting to allow for a survey of members' preferred start times.
Development Control Committee
The Development Control Committee meeting focused on appointing new leadership roles. Councillor Julian Cooper was elected as Chair, and Councillor Michael Brooker as Vice Chair. Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Alaric Smith, David Cooper, and Charlie Maynard. The council discussed the appointments to the Lowlands and Uplands subcommittees and agreed to the current arrangement.
The election of new leadership across various committees and the council itself signifies a period of transition and potential new directions in policy and governance. Councillor Poskitt’s experience and her focus on community-oriented initiatives could influence the council’s priorities. The appointments to subcommittees ensure that the council is well-prepared to handle its responsibilities efficiently.
The deferral of the decision on meeting times to allow for a survey indicates a willingness to consider the preferences of council members, which could lead to more effective and inclusive governance. This week’s meetings continue the theme of balancing administrative efficiency with responsiveness to community needs, a topic we've discussed before.
Will The Bull Pub's New License Set a Precedent? Key Decisions from the Latest Council Meeting
In the past week, the West Oxfordshire council held a Licensing Panel meeting on Thursday, 16 May 2024. The primary focus was on the application for a new premises license for The Bull pub in Charlbury.
Licensing Panel Meeting
The Bull pub, located on Sheep Street in Charlbury, sought to update its existing license to include alcohol sales from a bar in the garden area. This application was prompted by the discovery that the current license did not cover this area. The applicant, represented by solicitor Will Robinson, emphasized that the new license would not extend the hours or activities beyond what was already permitted but would regularize the use of the garden bar.
Robinson proposed several conditions to address noise concerns, including a noise management plan and a sound limiter for outdoor speakers. He also suggested limiting live music in the garden to specific hours on weekends, with a maximum of 15 days per year.
Local resident Mr. Leach expressed concerns about noise, particularly from music in the garden. He acknowledged the efforts made by the applicants to address concerns but emphasized the need for strict and enforceable limits on music volume and duration. He also questioned the necessity of music for the consumption of alcohol and highlighted the sensitivity of the local environment to noise increases.
Councillor Dave Jackson, Vice Chair of the License Committee, chaired the meeting in the absence of Councillor Marc Walker. The panel included Councillors Edward James, Elvis Scott, and Andrew Lyon. Representatives from the local authority included Andrea Thomas, Licensing Officer, and Helen Dantal, Interim Head of Legal Services. The applicant's team included Will Robinson, James Gama (Director and DPS), Phil Windsor (Director), and Dan Varnier (Operations Manager).
Andrea Thomas, the Licensing Officer, presented the case, noting that the application was due to representations from the public and Councillor Lefman. She mentioned that some representations had been withdrawn following the submission of a revised plan and updated conditions. The environmental pollution team had agreed to the proposed conditions, including a new noise management plan.
Will Robinson provided a detailed presentation, explaining the background of the application and addressing concerns raised by local residents. He emphasized the importance of the garden bar for the business and customer management.
The meeting concluded with the panel preparing to make a decision on the application, considering the arguments and concerns presented.
If approved, the new license for The Bull pub could set a precedent for other establishments in the area seeking to regularize outdoor spaces. The proposed noise management plan and sound limiter conditions could become standard requirements for similar applications, balancing business needs with community concerns.
This meeting highlights the ongoing theme of balancing local business interests with community well-being, a topic we've discussed before. The council's decision will likely influence future licensing applications and community relations in Charlbury and beyond.
Recent meetings
Executive - Wednesday, 19th March, 2025 2.01 pm
25 attendees, 8 documents, 0 media files
Council - Wednesday, 19th March, 2025 2.00 pm
59 attendees, 17 documents, 0 media files
Miscellaneous Licensing Sub-Committee - Tuesday, 18th March, 2025 10.00 am
0 attendees, 0 documents, 0 media files
Uplands Area Planning Sub-Committee - Monday, 17th March, 2025 2.00 pm
17 attendees, 11 documents, 0 media files
Executive - Wednesday, 12th March, 2025 2.00 pm
25 attendees, 30 documents, 0 media files
Lowlands Area Planning Sub-Committee - Monday, 10th March, 2025 2.00 pm
25 attendees, 8 documents, 0 media files
Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Wednesday, 5th March, 2025 5.30 pm
39 attendees, 18 documents, 0 media files
Council - Wednesday, 26th February, 2025 2.00 pm
60 attendees, 20 documents, 0 media files
Development Control Committee - Monday, 24th February, 2025 2.00 pm, NEW
36 attendees, 11 documents, 0 media files
Upcoming meetings
Audit and Governance Committee - Thursday, 27th March, 2025 6.00 pm
Lowlands Area Planning Sub-Committee - Monday, 7th April, 2025 2.00 pm