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Weekly updates

Dorset Council Approves Pension Strategy and Better Care Fund

In the past week, Dorset Council held several meetings:

Pension Fund Committee

Date: Tuesday, 25 June 2024

The Pension Fund Committee met to discuss the performance of the fund, administration issues, and to approve the Treasury Management Strategy for 2024-25. Key updates were provided on the McCloud remedy, Brunel governance, and investment management changes.

Pensions Administration

The Committee heard that the performance of the pensions administration function continued to be good despite difficulties with the McCloud remedy. The McCloud remedy is a change to public sector pensions introduced after a court judgement found that some pension changes were discriminatory. Implementation delays due to software issues were noted, with new software expected by the end of the year.

Pension Fund Investments

The Pension Fund was valued at £3.8 billion as of 31 December 2023. The total return from investments over the quarter was 5%, outperforming the benchmark return of 4.5%. However, the annualised return for the five years to 31 December 2023 was 5.8%, lower than the benchmark return of 6.4%. The Committee discussed the impact of global inflation trends and the performance of major tech stocks, noting potential risks from social media and anti-trust legislation.

Brunel Governance / Scheme Advisory Board Update

Councillor John Beesley updated the Committee on Brunel governance and the Scheme Advisory Board (SAB). Brunel's budget for 2024/25 was approved, and changes to Special Reserved Matters thresholds were noted. The Committee also discussed the ongoing impact of the McCloud remedy on SAB's work.

Pension Fund Treasury Management Strategy 2024/25

The Committee approved the Treasury Management Strategy for 2024/25, which remains unchanged from the previous year.

Investment Management Changes

Updates on the transition of holdings to Brunel Pension Partnership portfolios were provided, with significant progress noted in corporate bond and passive equity investments.

Health and Wellbeing Board

Date: Wednesday, 26 June 2024

The Health and Wellbeing Board discussed the Better Care Fund (BCF) and the Safeguarding Families Together (SFT) programme. The Board approved the BCF plan for 2024-25 and noted the findings of the SFT evaluation.

Better Care Fund

The Better Care Fund pools NHS and local government funding to support health and care needs. Dorset Council received £63 million from the BCF in 2023-24, funding services such as hospital discharge support and community-based services. The Board approved the planning template for 2024-25, focusing on reducing delayed transfers of care and supporting independent living.

Safeguarding Families Together (SFT) Evaluation

The SFT programme supports families with child safety concerns. The evaluation found that the programme improved inter-agency collaboration and family support but highlighted areas for improvement, such as better support for minority ethnic families. The Board agreed to recommendations for enhancing the programme.

Population Needs Assessment (PNA)

The Population Needs Assessment (PNA) aims to understand the health and wellbeing needs of Dorset's population. The Board endorsed the proposed governance and data collection approaches for the PNA.

Social Mobility in Dorset

The Board received a presentation on social mobility in Dorset, highlighting lower-than-average social mobility in the area. Contributing factors include high housing costs and low wages. The Board discussed strategies to improve social mobility, such as increasing affordable housing and improving educational outcomes.

Thriving Communities

The Thriving Communities programme, a £1.5m initiative, aims to improve health and wellbeing by supporting community resilience and reducing health inequalities. The Board reviewed successful local projects, such as community gardens and befriending schemes, and discussed the sustainability of these initiatives.

People and Health Scrutiny Committee

Date: Thursday, 27 June 2024

This meeting was cancelled.

Licensing Sub-Committee

Date: Tuesday, 25 June 2024

The Licensing Sub-Committee met, but no transcript or video was provided.

Appeals Committee

Date: Friday, 28 June 2024

The Appeals Committee met to consider an appeal against a planning decision regarding land east of 1-4 Burt's Lane, West Parley. The appeal concerned the refusal of planning permission for four detached houses due to flood risk concerns. The Committee deferred its decision, seeking further information from the Environment Agency and council planning officers.

These meetings highlight Dorset Council's ongoing efforts to manage public funds, support community health and wellbeing, and address planning and development challenges. The decisions made will impact various aspects of local governance and community life, from pension fund management to social mobility initiatives.

Licensing Decision Pending for Blue Valley Events

In the past week, the Dorset Council held several meetings:

Strategic and Technical Planning Committee

Date: Monday, 17 June 2024

The Strategic and Technical Planning Committee met, but unfortunately, no transcript or video was provided for this meeting.

Place and Resources Scrutiny Committee

Date: Tuesday, 18 June 2024

The Place and Resources Scrutiny Committee also convened this week, but again, no transcript or video was available.

Eastern Area Planning Committee

Date: Wednesday, 19 June 2024

The Eastern Area Planning Committee met, but no transcript or video was provided for this meeting.

Western and Southern Area Planning Committee

Date: Thursday, 20 June 2024

The Western and Southern Area Planning Committee convened, but no transcript or video was available.

Corporate Parenting Board

Date: Thursday, 20 June 2024

The Corporate Parenting Board also met this week, but no transcript or video was provided.

Licensing Sub-Committee

Date: Friday, 21 June 2024

The Licensing Sub-Committee convened, but no transcript or video was available.

Licensing Sub-Committee

Date: Tuesday, 18 June 2024

The most notable meeting this week was the Licensing Sub-Committee held on Tuesday, 18 June 2024. This meeting focused on a new premises license application for Blue Valley Events at Sutton Point. The application was for a new premises license at the field adjoining the rear car park of the Spring Head Public House.

Key Points:

  1. Introduction and Apologies: The meeting began with introductions and apologies for absence. Councillor Kate Weller was substituted by Councillor Louise Bone.

  2. Application Details: The application was for a new premises license to host events such as live and recorded music, late-night refreshments, and the supply of alcohol. The proposed hours were Monday to Sunday from 10:00 to 23:00.

The application is for live and recorded music indoors and outdoors Monday to Sunday 11 to 2300 hours. Late night refreshment, although this is on the application, it is only applicable from 2300 hours to 0500 hours so therefore it will not be included on the application form if it's to be granted. — Licensing Officer

  1. Community Concerns: Residents raised significant concerns about potential noise, traffic congestion, and public safety. There were also worries about the impact on children and the potential for increased crime and disorder.

There is already a public nuisance element to the events held at the Spring Head pub when the only road that runs through the village is blocked with bumper to bumper cars for the entire day. — Resident

  1. Police Conditions: Dorset Police requested 15 conditions to be added to the license if granted, which the applicant agreed to. These conditions included measures to prevent crime and disorder, public nuisance, and to protect children from harm.

Dorset police requested 15 conditions to be added to the license if it were to be granted and the applicant has agreed to these and these conditions can be found at appendix 2. — Licensing Officer

  1. Applicant's Response: The applicant, Steve Bowne, Director of Blue Valley Events, emphasized their commitment to managing events responsibly and ensuring minimal disruption to the community. He highlighted the importance of the events for the business's survival and offered to limit the number of events to address residents' concerns.

We are not looking at increasing events and things. Purely the need for the license will be for us to have more of an ability and flexibility to move the bars. — Steve Bowne

The committee listened to all representations and will make a decision in due course. The outcome will be communicated to all parties involved.


This meeting underscores the delicate balance between supporting local businesses and addressing community concerns. The conditions proposed by Dorset Police and the applicant's willingness to compromise highlight the importance of thorough planning and community engagement in the licensing process. The decision will set a precedent for future applications and the management of events in small communities.

For those interested in the detailed discussions and conditions proposed, the full transcript of the meeting is available here.

Dorset Council Approves £2M Cost of Living Support and Celebrates Top SEND Inspection Rating

In the past week, the Dorset Council held four meetings:

The Shareholder Committee for the Dorset Centre of Excellence (DCOE)

Date: Monday, 10 June 2024

The Shareholder Committee for the Dorset Centre of Excellence (DCOE) convened to discuss several key issues, focusing on the school's development and future plans.

Key Points:

  1. Commissioning Report: Claire Webb, Strategic Commissioner for Education, presented the commissioning report, highlighting the steady state of the school and the focus on recruitment and retention. The school is preparing for a significant increase in pupil numbers from September onwards.

We are on track for meeting commissioning agreement around the numbers, and the school has also been taking steps to broaden the learning offer. — Claire Webb

  1. Enhanced Cooperation Agreement: The committee discussed the enhanced cooperation agreement, which remains in place but is now focused on growth and enhanced contract management. A review of this agreement is scheduled for the autumn.

  2. Inclusion and Culture: Councillor Andrew Parry raised questions about the culture of inclusion at Coombe House School, emphasizing the importance of maintaining an inclusive environment for SEND pupils.

Coombe House is absolutely joined in being in that personalised, really thoughtful approach to all of those children and young people. — Claire Webb

  1. Building Works and Contingency Plans: Councillor Taylor inquired about the readiness of the school for the large increase in pupils and staff in September, given ongoing building works. The committee was assured that contingency plans are in place.

We have looked at a range of contingencies, but none of them will ever be as good as the original plan. — Claire Webb

The committee noted the report and will continue to monitor the school's progress and the implementation of the commissioning agreement.


Date: Tuesday, 11 June 2024

The Cabinet meeting covered a wide range of topics, including housing, cost of living support, and the SEND inspection outcome.

Key Points:

  1. Cost of Living Support: Councillor Ryan Hope introduced a proposal to earmark £2 million from Council reserves to support cost of living initiatives. The plan includes targeted support for food banks, social supermarkets, and community fridges.

This paper will ensure that we hit all residents in our community and, of course, those that are most at risk with the cost of living crisis. — Councillor Ryan Hope

  1. SEND Inspection Outcome: Councillor Claire Sutton presented the SEND inspection outcome, highlighting that Dorset Council received a grade one rating, the first unitary authority to achieve this. The inspection focused on the lived experiences of children and families.

The inspection findings reflect our culture and values, which are essentially born of the leadership offered by our children, young people, and families. — Councillor Claire Sutton

  1. Children's Safeguarding Partnership Review: The Cabinet approved the creation of two separate children's safeguarding partnerships for Dorset and BCP, allowing for more focused and timely policy and priority setting.

The proposal is to create two separate partnerships with the new Dorset Children's Safeguarding Partnership to also include Dorset education. — Councillor Claire Sutton

The Cabinet approved the recommendations, ensuring continued support for vulnerable residents and children.

Harbours Advisory Committee

Date: Wednesday, 12 June 2024

The Harbours Advisory Committee met to discuss various issues related to harbour management and development. Unfortunately, the transcript for this meeting was not available.

People and Health Overview Committee

Date: Thursday, 13 June 2024

The People and Health Overview Committee discussed several significant issues, including housing allocation policies, the Youth Justice Plan, and the Extra Care Housing Strategic Statement.

Key Points:

  1. Housing Allocation for People Without Cars: Councillor Carol Jones raised concerns about the allocation of housing for people without cars, particularly those placed in remote locations. The committee agreed to explore whether more could be done to address this issue.

  2. Youth Justice Plan 2024-2025: The committee endorsed the Youth Justice Plan, which aims to reduce first-time entrants into the justice system, reduce reoffending rates, and minimize the use of custodial sentences.

Our aim with this project is to work with schools quite closely, build good relationships so we can provide those assessments and support them with some of the strategies they might need in the hopes that that will keep children in school and reduce school exclusions. — David Webb

  1. Extra Care Housing Strategic Statement 2024-2039: The committee discussed the Extra Care Housing Strategic Statement, which outlines the plan to develop four new affordable extra care housing schemes over the next ten years. The committee recommended the strategic statement to the Cabinet for approval, with an additional recommendation to consider alternative forms of delivery, such as forming a registered provider.

We need to be beacons for them to follow going to the future. — Councillor Steve Robinson

The committee's discussions and recommendations will now go to the Cabinet for further consideration.


These meetings highlight the council's ongoing efforts to support vulnerable residents, improve educational outcomes, and develop sustainable housing solutions. The approval of the Youth Justice Plan and the Extra Care Housing Strategic Statement demonstrates the council's commitment to addressing key social issues and planning for the future needs of the community.

Dorset Council's Balancing Act: Planning, Licensing, and Community Engagement

In the past week, the Dorset Council held three meetings:

Northern Area Planning Committee

Date: Tuesday, 04 June 2024

The Northern Area Planning Committee convened to discuss several planning applications, with a significant focus on the proposal to site a metal storage container in the service yard of Sherborne House.

Key Points:

  1. Sherborne House Storage Container Application: The committee reviewed an application to place a metal storage container in the service yard of Sherborne House. This proposal was brought forward due to concerns raised by Historic England and the town council regarding the justification, siting, and design of the container.

The application to site a metal storage container in the service yard of Sherborne House is brought to committee, following consideration by the service manager of the development management, enlightened referral request made by Dorset council members, stating the concerns raised by Historic England and the town council. — Councillor David Taylor

  1. Historical and Community Considerations: The committee discussed the extensive refurbishment and extension program of Sherborne House, emphasizing the need for additional storage to support various events. The proposed container would be used to store furniture and equipment for events, ensuring the ongoing viability of Sherborne House as a community and arts center.

The proposal to site a container, a bulky equipment required for a variety of events that Sherborne hopes to host, will ensure the ongoing ability of Sherborne to host large, high-quality public and private events, ensuring its commercial financial development in the future. — Case Officer

  1. Community Engagement: The application included a proposal to involve local children in designing a mural for the container, integrating it into the community and enhancing its aesthetic appeal.

The committee approved the application, recognizing the balance between preserving historical integrity and supporting community use.

Licensing Sub-Committee

Date: Wednesday, 05 June 2024

The Licensing Sub-Committee met to consider a new premises license application for Moors Valley Country Park and Forest.

Key Points:

  1. License Application for Events: Forestry England applied for a year-round license to host events, including an illuminated light trail around Halloween. The application included the sale of alcohol and the screening of films.

Our key purpose for our premise license application at this time is to host an exciting and family-focused seasonal illuminated light trail event in 2024 around Halloween. — Forestry England Representative

  1. Community Concerns: Residents raised concerns about potential noise, traffic congestion, and environmental impact. The committee discussed these issues extensively, considering the balance between community enjoyment and minimizing disruption.

There have been significant objections in the documents that we've all been given from the RSPB and other environmental groups who are strongly against this because of its impact on night-time wildlife. — Resident

  1. Conditions and Safeguards: The committee emphasized the importance of adhering to conditions set by the Safety Advisory Group and Environmental Health to mitigate potential nuisances.

The committee granted the license with specific conditions to ensure community and environmental safeguards.

Licensing Sub-Committee

Date: Wednesday, 05 June 2024

Another Licensing Sub-Committee meeting was held to consider a new premises license for a festival at Gaunt's House.

Key Points:

  1. Festival License Application: Sounds Beautiful Limited applied for a license to host an annual four-day festival with live and recorded music, and alcohol sales. The first event is scheduled for late June 2024.

The application is to cover one event per year that will happen every year in either June or July, with the first event starting in about three weeks' time on the 27th of June. — Licensing Team Leader

  1. Concerns from Authorities: The Environmental Health and Police representatives raised concerns about the adequacy of the event management plan and noise management plan, citing potential risks to public safety and nuisance.

The types of information that was missing which we did ask for was the experience and qualifications of the noise consultant that would be used for an event of this size. — Environmental Health Officer

  1. Applicant's Response: The applicants emphasized their commitment to safety and community engagement, acknowledging the need for improved documentation and offering to negotiate conditions.

We have a professional security team on site, obviously, because there is alcohol for protection, who are providing 24-hour security overnight. — Applicant

The committee decided to defer the decision, allowing time for further discussions and improvements to the event management plan.


These meetings highlight the council's ongoing efforts to balance community interests with development and event management. The approval of the Sherborne House storage container supports local cultural activities, while the licensing decisions for Moors Valley and Gaunt's House emphasize the importance of thorough planning and community consultation. Moving forward, the council will continue to monitor these projects to ensure compliance with conditions and address any emerging concerns.

Dorset Council Licensing Committee Sets the Stage for 2024-2025

In the past week, the Dorset Council held one meeting:

Licensing Committee

Date: Thursday, 30 May 2024

The Licensing Committee convened to discuss several key items, including the approval of minutes from the previous meeting, declarations of interest, and the appointment of licensing subcommittees for the year 2024-2025.

Key Points:

  1. Approval of Previous Minutes: The minutes from the meeting held on 28 November 2023 were approved without any objections.

  2. Appointment of Licensing Subcommittees: Aileen Powell, the Licensing Team Leader, introduced the report on the appointment of licensing subcommittees. These subcommittees are crucial as they handle applications from taxi drivers, premises licenses, and other related matters. The subcommittees are organized into five groups, each consisting of three members. This structure ensures that all applications are reviewed efficiently and in accordance with the council's constitution.

The subcommittees are set into five groups of three members, and they will set out in tables attached to the report. We've also got attached to the report all the various bits from the constitution that are relevant that set out all the delegations. — Aileen Powell

  1. No Public Participation: There were no questions or statements from the public during this meeting.

  2. Urgent Items and Exempt Business: There were no urgent items or exempt business to discuss.

The meeting concluded at 4:04 PM.


The appointment of the subcommittees is a routine but essential part of the council's operations. These subcommittees ensure that the licensing process remains transparent, efficient, and in line with legal requirements. This structure helps maintain public trust and ensures that all applications are handled fairly and promptly.

Looking ahead, the next steps will involve these subcommittees beginning their work, which will include reviewing various applications and ensuring compliance with the council's policies and regulations. This process will be critical in maintaining the standards and safety of services such as taxi operations and licensed premises within Dorset.

This meeting sets the stage for the year’s licensing activities, ensuring that the council is prepared to handle the volume and complexity of applications it receives.

Recent meetings
Shareholder Committee for Care Dorset Holdings Ltd POSTPONED

Shareholder Committee for Care Dorset Holdings Ltd - Monday, 24th March, 2025 10.00 am

0 attendees, 7 documents, 0 media files

March 24, 2025
Dorset Council

Extraordinary, Dorset Council - Tuesday, 25th March, 2025 7.30 pm, NEW

97 attendees, 7 documents, 1 media files

March 24, 2025
People and Health Overview Committee

People and Health Overview Committee - Thursday, 20th March, 2025 2.00 pm

26 attendees, 13 documents, 1 media files

March 20, 2025
Corporate Parenting Board

Informal, Corporate Parenting Board - Thursday, 20th March, 2025 5.00 pm

33 attendees, 0 documents, 0 media files

March 20, 2025
Place and Resources Scrutiny Committee

Place and Resources Scrutiny Committee - Thursday, 20th March, 2025 10.00 am

37 attendees, 13 documents, 1 media files

March 20, 2025
Health and Wellbeing Board

Health and Wellbeing Board - Wednesday, 19th March, 2025 2.00 pm

33 attendees, 11 documents, 1 media files

March 19, 2025
Pension Fund Committee

Pension Fund Committee - Tuesday, 18th March, 2025 1.30 pm

15 attendees, 16 documents, 1 media files

March 18, 2025
Northern Area Planning Committee

Northern Area Planning Committee - Tuesday, 18th March, 2025 10.00 am

29 attendees, 13 documents, 1 media files

March 18, 2025
Licensing and Gambling Acts Committee’

0 attendees, 0 documents, 0 media files

March 17, 2025
General Licensing Committee

General Licensing Committee - Monday, 17th March, 2025 10.00 am

20 attendees, 8 documents, 1 media files

March 17, 2025
Upcoming meetings

Cabinet - Tuesday, 25th March, 2025 6.30 pm

March 25, 2025
Staffing Committee

Staffing Committee - Wednesday, 26th March, 2025 9.00 am

March 26, 2025
Licensing Sub-Committee

Licensing and Gambling Acts Sub-Committee - Friday, 28th March, 2025 10.00 am, PROVISIONAL

March 27, 2025
General Licensing Sub-Committee

General Licensing Sub-Committee - Friday, 28th March, 2025 10.30 am

March 27, 2025
Strategic and Technical Planning Committee

Strategic and Technical Planning Committee - Monday, 31st March, 2025 10.00 am

March 31, 2025
Appeals Committee CANCELLED

Appeals Committee - Monday, 31st March, 2025 10.00 am

March 31, 2025
Eastern Area Planning Committee

Eastern Area Planning Committee - Wednesday, 2nd April, 2025 10.00 am

April 02, 2025
Western and Southern Area Planning Committee

Western and Southern Area Planning Committee - Thursday, 3rd April, 2025 10.00 am

April 03, 2025
People and Health Scrutiny Committee

People and Health Scrutiny Committee - Tuesday, 8th April, 2025 10.00 am

April 08, 2025
Unknown Committee

Dorset Council - Thursday, 10th April, 2025 6.30 pm

April 10, 2025